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Forum moderator: make-dead  
Choose Connection
make-deadDate: Thursday, 2008-12-04, 8:39 PM | Message # 1
Group: .::][BoSS][::.
Messages: 82
Status: Offline
Descriere: Deoarece am observat multe cereri m-am hotarat sa-l postez.
Cu acest plugin pe server-ul dvs,jucatorii isi pot alege conexiunea la internet !
Autor: anakin_cstrike
Credite: mut2nt
1. Fisierul choose_connection.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul choose_connection.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Intrati in addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la sfarsit :

Comenzi publice:
say & say_team /lan - afiseaza meniul cu optiuni.

connection_autoshow 1/0 - activeaza/dezactiveaza optiunea de a afisa automat meniul cand un jucator intra pe server (default 1)
connection_info 1/0 - activeaza/dezactiveaza mesaj informativ cu privire la plugin (default 1)

Setarile pentru fiecare optiune:

new const g_DSlow[][] =
    "rate 2500",
    "cl_updaterate 10",
    "cl_cmdrate 10",
    "ex_interp 0.100",
    "cl_shadows 0",
    "cl_himodels 0",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 0",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 0",
    "cl_weather 0",
    "hud_fastswitch 1",
    "mp_decals 50"

new const g_VerySlow[][] =
    "rate 3500",
    "cl_updaterate 13",
    "cl_cmdrate 13",
    "ex_interp 0.077",
    "cl_shadows 0",
    "cl_himodels 0",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 0",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 0",
    "cl_weather 0",
    "hud_fastswitch 1",
    "mp_decals 100"

new const g_Slow[][] =
    "rate 5000",
    "cl_updaterate 15",
    "ex_interp 0.068",
    "cl_cmdrate 15",
    "cl_shadows 0",
    "cl_himodels 0",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 0",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 0",
    "cl_weather 0",
    "hud_fastswitch 1",
    "mp_decals 150"

new const g_Normal[][] =
    "rate 7500",
    "cl_updaterate 20",
    "ex_interp 0.050",
    "cl_cmdrate 30",
    "cl_shadows 1",
    "cl_himodels 0",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 0",
    "cl_weather 0",
    "hud_fastswitch 0",
    "mp_decals 200"

new const g_Fast[][] =
    "rate 9999",
    "cl_updaterate 30",
    "ex_interp 0.034",
    "cl_cmdrate 40",
    "cl_shadows 1",
    "cl_himodels 1",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 1",
    "cl_weather 1",
    "hud_fastswitch 0",
    "mp_decals 250"

new const g_VeryFast[][] =
    "rate 20000",
    "cl_updaterate 60",
    "ex_interp 0.017",
    "cl_cmdrate 60",
    "cl_shadows 1",
    "cl_himodels 1",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 1",
    "cl_weather 1",
    "hud_fastswitch 0",
    "mp_decals 300"

new const g_Lan[][] =
    "rate 20000",
    "cl_updaterate 100",
    "ex_interp 0.010",
    "cl_cmdrate 100",
    "cl_shadows 1",
    "cl_himodels 1",
    "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1",
    "cl_crosshair_translucent 1",
    "cl_weather 1",
    "hud_fastswitch 0",
    "mp_decals 300"

Optiuni : Aveti la dispozitie :

* Dslow
* Very Slow
* Slow
* Normal
* Fast
* Very Fast
* Lan

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